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We are currently not accepting applications due to an overwhelming amount of highly ranked applicants.  We will, however, accept applications from applicants who have documented prior electrical experience through a registered apprenticeshipContact our office for more information.

Would you like to be notified when we are opened back up?  Click the image below to fill out our Request to Be Notified form.



Frequently Asked Questions

What are the minimum requirements?

  • High school diploma with a minimum 2.0 GPA OR GED with a minimum score of:
    • 255 for all years  prior to 2002
    • 2550 from years 2002 to 2014
    • 600 from 2014 on.
  • Minimum18 years of age.
  • One year of algebra 2 or higher with a C or better grade, or Math 60 at a community college, or Placement at Math 65.
  • Completed NCRC testing with minimum scores of 6(Platinum) in Math, 6(platinum) in Workplace Documents, and 4(Silver) in Graphic Literacy.

Is there any way that I can bypass any steps in the application process?

No, everyone must go through the same application process. Once you are selected you can apply for credit for previous education and on-the-job experience.

I am an apprentice in another program/state; can I transfer over to your program?

Contact the Training Center for information on possibly transferring.

Do you have a long waiting list?

We average around 100 applicants on the list at all times, but this does not affect your position or employment possibilities.

What is the application process?

After receiving an application, you have 45 days to complete and return it. After turning in a complete application, including official NCRC results, you will be scheduled for an interview with the Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee. After your interview, you’ll be ranked and put on our list based on your overall interview score. As contractors need apprentices, we pull from the list from the top down. The interviewers score by answers to interview questions, previous experience, education, and your NCRC score.

Should I submit a resume with my application?

Yes. Any additional information about yourself that you can supply to the committee helps them in making the best choice for candidates.

What is on the NCRC test?

The National Career Readiness Certificate test has 3 components “Applied Math” covers basic math and word problem applications. “Workplace Documents” tests for reading comprehension. “Graphic Literacy” tests the ability to read and interpret graphs, charts, tables, etc. It does not cover electrical theory.

How often is the NCRC test given?

The NCRC test is generally administered weekly at a local Employment Department (Worksource Center). Click here for the locations in Oregon: https://www2.myworksourceportfolio.org/Locations.aspx 

Is there a study guide for the NCRC test?

To practice for the NCRC test, Start here: http://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/workkeys-for-job-seekers/preparation.html , click on “Select a Practice Test” and create an account. Take the free “Applied Math”, “Workplace Documents” and “Graphic Literacy” tests. Additional study info is available here: https://clejatc.org/ncrc-info.html. Contact a Worksource Center if more study info is needed.

Is your program eligible for VA benefits?


Do I have to take jobs far away from where I live?

No. We do not require an apprentice to take a job that is more than 50 miles from his or her residence.

What is the geographic area your apprentices can work within?

Our apprentices are licensed to work within all of Oregon and California, but mainly work within the towns of Medford, Roseburg, and Klamath Falls. There is a potential to work in other states that have a reciprocal license agreement with Oregon and California.

What is Crater Lake Training Center’s jurisdiction?

Our jurisdiction covers most of Douglas County, and all of Harney, Josephine, Jackson, Klamath, and Lake County in Oregon, and Modoc and Siskiyou Counties in California.

I have a contractor who wants to hire me now, can I go to work for them and apply later?

Not as an electrical apprentice. In the State of Oregon, even an apprentice must be licensed to do electrical work. You could, however, work as a material handler, warehouse person, or do lighting maintenance.

Do I have to find my own jobs?

No. We currently have 22 electrical contractors listed as registered training agents for our program. You would be assigned to one of these shops.

What programs do you offer?

Inside Electrician, Limited Energy Technician A, Limited Residential Electrician.

What is an Inside Electrician?

An Inside Electrician (General Journey Electrician) is licensed to do all levels of electrical work. Residential, Commercial, and Industrial.

What is a Limited Energy Technician A?

An LEA is licensed to work on systems operating at 100 volt-amperes or less. These include: Fire Alarm Systems, Security Systems, HVAC Controls, Teledata, Computer Networking, Nurse Call-Stations, & PA Systems.

What is a Limited Residential Electrician?

An LRE is licensed to do all electrical work on 1 and 2-family dwellings not exceeding three stories in height.

What is the starting pay?

The pay is based on a percentage of the Journey Electrician scale for that occupation. Raises are given on the basis of on-the-job training hours, job performance, classroom attendance, and grades.  Click here to see the most current pay scales.

Does it cost to attend school?

The tuition for the year is $1,000.00.  Books and online courses range from $500 to $850 per year.

When and where are the classes?

Classes are scheduled on alternating Saturdays at our Training Center at 4864 Airway Drive, Central Point, Oregon.

Can I sign up for the apprenticeship classes before being hired as an apprentice?

No there’s currently no way to sign-up for the apprenticeship classes before being hired as an apprentice.

Do I receive college credits for completing the training?

Yes! Through our affiliation with Mt. Hood Community College.

When are you taking applications?

We are currently closed for applications, however, we anticipate opening back up in the summer. Most apprentices are started during the summer months, but we generally start a few apprentices from fall through spring.

How do I become an apprentice?

Your first step is to request an application.  After we receive your request, we will email you information on the next steps.

What does a Licensed Electrician do?

Electricians install conduit, wiring, fixtures, and electrical equipment inside homes, commercial buildings, and industrial facilities.  Some of the major duties of an electrical worker include:

  • Installing electrical service to buildings and other structures
  • Installation of new wiring and repairing of old wiring
  • Planning and installing raceway systems
  • Establishing temporary power during construction
  • Providing power and controls to motors, HVAC, and other equipment
  • Installing receptacles, lighting systems, and fixtures
  • Installation of low voltage cabling, network cabling, automation controls, and fire alarm systems
  • Planning, initiating, and managing projects
  • and so much more

In performing these duties, Journey Electricians use many different kinds of tools; ranging from simple hand tools to power-assisted tools like drills, saws, threaders, conduit benders, and cable pullers.  The electrical construction trade is a physical experience with much of the work being performed on ladders, scaffolding, and aerial lifts; at times, workers are required to lift and move objects weighing more than 50 lbs.  Our industry gives us the chance to not only work inside finished and unfinished buildings but also gives us the opportunity to work outside; giving us the experience of working in the elements of our local environment.

Online Learning Resources for the National Career Readiness Certificate

Sample Questions:

  • http://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/workforce-solutions/act-workkeys/test-preparation.html
    Find additional online resources at WorkSource Oregon Job Seeker Resources at: (www.worksourceoregon.org/resources
  • LearningExpress Library accessed through Oregon CIS (www.oregoncis.uoregon.edu) includes WorkKeys®
    Applied Mathematics, Locating Information, and Reading for Information Practice Tests 1 and 2; a web-based learning website that provides access to a collection of test preparation tools, skill-building materials, and career resources. LearningExpress Library has practice tests that will familiarize you with the content, format, and timing of WorkKeys® assessments and instant scoring.

    • To access LearningExpress Library:
      1. Log into Oregon Career Information System (CIS) (www.oregoncis.uoregon.edu) with your personal username and password.
      2. If you do not have a username and password, ask your local WorkSource Oregon Center staff for assistance.
      3. Log into Oregon CIS, go to “My Portfolio”, and click “What other tools can I personalize?” and then “College Admissions and Career Practice Tests & Guides”
      4. The transition page to LearningExpress Library will appear, click “continue”.
      5. From the “Welcome” page, go to “All Centers”, select “Career Center”, then” Resources” and select “Prepare for the WorkKeys® Assessments and TOEIC®”.
      6. Click “Prepare for WorkKeys® Assessments” then select the assessment you wish to practice.

Applied Mathematics

  • GCFLearnFree.org (http://www.gcflearnfree.org) Math Basics, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, timetables, and percent. Their basic math tutorials and learning interactive make learning math easier, and allow you to practice basic math skills at your own level and pace.
  • Khan Academy (www.khanacademy.org) A library of videos to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace. Go to the Math section and select applied math.
  • Applied Math Questions (http://www.aplusclick.com/appliedmath.htm) from A+ Click The applied math problems become more difficult as you go down the page. This site offers math and logic problems to develop logical reasoning and creative thinking. Practice makes perfect!
  • Virtual Career Network (www.vcn.org) – Math Refresher. To help workers transition into Healthcare and Green Economy careers and other high growth industry sectors. Refresher courses are under the Career Tools tab and include Math Refresher, Computer Skills for the Workplace and Grammar Refreshers are offered within either the Healthcare or the Green sections.

Reading for Information

DISCLAIMER: Crater Lake Electrical JATC does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of the materials provided by other websites or organizations, nor does Crater Lake Electrical JATC endorse other sites or organizations, their views, products or services. WorkSource Oregon is an equal opportunity program/employer. The following services are available free of cost upon request: Auxiliary aids or services and alternate formats to individuals with disabilities and language assistance to individuals with limited English proficiency. To request these services contact your nearest WorkSource Oregon

The Apprenticeship Interview

Information for Applicants


You have qualified to be interviewed for an electrical apprenticeship. The oral interview is an important step in the application process. This page provides information about the interview process— information that will help you in preparing for the interview. It addresses several questions you are likely to have about the interview process, such as:

  • How long will the interview last?
  • Who will interview me?
  • What kinds of questions will be asked?
  • Can I do anything to prepare for the interview?
  • How do I request accommodation for a disability?
  • What happens after the interview?

10 to 20 Minutes

Most interviews take 10 to 20 minutes. The interviewers will want you to do most of the talking, but you should try to make your point efficiently. When you are asked a question, organize your thoughts and answer the question completely. Keep to the topic; avoid straying into irrelevant subjects.

The Committee

You will be interviewed by a committee composed of representatives of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA).

The Committee members are highly experienced electrical professionals. They are aware of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that individuals need to be successful electrical workers.

The interview team usually consists of six (6) Committee members. In all likelihood, each Committee member will take turns asking you questions during the interview.

Interview Questions

The actual interview questions are confidential, but we can tell you a lot about the types of questions that will be asked. The Committee will be asking you questions about how you have handled situations in your life that are relevant to achieving success in the apprenticeship program. They will want to know the situation, what you did, and the result, when you were faced with these situations at work, in school, or at home. Here is an example of the types of questions asked. This sample question is taken from a clerical worker interview: “Tell me about a time when you had to set up and type a document.” Remember, your response to these questions should have the following three parts:
(1) The situation. First, you should very briefly describe the situation. Usually, the situation can be described in a sentence or two.
(2) What you did. Second, describe the actions you took—what you did, what you made, who you talked to, what you said—in that situation. Use action verbs and first person, such as—”I wrote,” “I called,” “I discussed,” and so on.
(3) The result. Finally, tell the committee how it turned out. It should only take a sentence or two to describe the result.

An example of a complete response to the question “Tell me about a time when you had to set up and type a document” appears below:
Situation: My boss asked me to set up and type a complicated document with headers and footers. I had never used headers or footers before.
Action: I obtained a copy of the software manual and read about using headers and footers. Then, I set up the document and gave my boss an example page to look at before I developed the whole document.
Result: My boss edited the example I gave him and liked the final document when I was finished.

Interview Tips

  • Don’t spend too much time on a question.
  • When asked about your previous experiences, describe (1) the situation you encountered, (2) what you did in that situation, and (3) how it turned out.
  • Avoid irrelevant topics. Focus on the questions that the committee asks.
  • Speak clearly and loudly enough for the committee to hear and understand you.
  • Relax, Relax, Relax. The interview is not an interrogation. It’s simply an opportunity for you to meet and speak with the Apprenticeship Committee.
  • Get a good night’s rest the day before and put your best foot forward during your interview.

Interview Preparation

The interview contains questions about how you have handled situations that are relevant to occupational success. To prepare for the interview, make a list of jobs you have had, special projects that you have worked on at school or at home, and extracurricular activities that you have participated in. Be prepared to discuss your hobbies, your interests, activities you enjoy, as well as, those you have no interest in.

Before the interview, review your list of activities. Think about situations that stand out in your mind because you did something that you are particularly proud of; you learned an important lesson, or you had to respond to a real challenge. Thinking about situations you have encountered in the past will help you respond to the Committee’s questions. It will also help minimize stress during the interview.


If you are a person with a physical or mental impairment that you believe may affect your ability to complete the interview and wish to request an accommodation to ensure that the interview accurately measures your skills and abilities, please notify the JATC, well in advance of the interview. Notifications given on the day of the interview cannot be addressed that day.

After the Interview

After the interview, you will receive a letter from the Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (JATC) informing you of the JATC’s decision. Please keep in mind, that selections are not always made immediately following the interview. Very often, several months may pass before actual selections are made.

Apprentices Looking to Transfer

Are you a licensed Apprentice or Trainee?(Required)